Data continues to accumulate on the impact of being raised in the age of social media, but it is quite clear that it can be damaging to the self-confidence of our youth. Social media platforms like Instagram are leaving teens to aspire to impossible physical features. Because people only post images of life’s happiest moments, it can cloud the judgment of viewers and leave them feeling left out and isolated.
People who grow up with a lack of self-confidence typically act out in ways that can be damaging to their current and future prospects. Alpine Academy in Utah believes in helping troubled teens with their self-confidence through boosting their academic prowess and exposing them to real-life interactions that aren’t tainted by social media filters. Today, Alpine Academy Utah will look at the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement.
Alpine Academy has a proven track record of helping teenagers overcome their personal struggles. Academics and self-confidence can lead to a bit of a chicken or the egg scenario. Students with increased confidence levels will naturally perform better in test situations because they are approaching the test with a positive attitude. The more positive grades they accumulate, the more their confidence will rise. Students who are used to achieving underwhelming results on tests can fall into a pattern of defeatism that doesn’t allow them to reach their full academic potential. Alpine Academy in Utah takes the time to start fresh with students and provide them with the resources they need to overcome negative habits. Every improved test score is a signifier that not only are improved test scores possible, but they are also something that the individual can achieve when they are willing to put in the work. Of course, academic success is not the only factor in a child’s self-confidence levels. Everything from the support they receive from their family to the support base they have from their circle of friends plays a role. When self-confidence is boosted, individuals view themselves as capable of achieving greatness. Suddenly strong test scores turn into something that is expected rather than a laborious, anxiety-ridden task. Students must learn that a lot of confidence comes from preparedness. There’s a reason that students who walk into a test scenario feel panic when they haven’t studied ahead of time. Alpine Academy takes the time to educate students not only for individual tests but on patterns that can help students fall into the habit of preparedness. When students can form positive study habits, there is no limit to what they can accomplish in and out of the classroom.